The Swiss Way to Success [Hörbuch-Download]
Mittwoch, 7. September 2011, 07:58
Abgelegt unter: Allgemein

Alex S. Rusch will share with you in this audiobook with the voice of the dynamic Hollywood celebrity actor William McNamara many valuable tips, impulses and ideas about all areas of success knowledge. You will learn in this audiobook important concepts and tools for improving your personal life and achieving professional success. These are all things you can easily put to use right away. You can choose yourself which of the many things you learn in this audiobook you will apply. This audiobook originally was released in German and became an instant bestseller. What listeners liked most about it is the fact that the information it contains is very practical and can easily be put to use. To make it accessible to a large audience, it was now translated into English. If you put only a few of the things Alex S. Rusch talks about to use, you will experience „the Swiss way to success“ and become considerably more successful than you already are.

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