Kann jemand meine Englischsätze auf Fehler kontrollieren und korrigieren?
Samstag, 17. April 2010, 21:59
Abgelegt unter: Fotos

Since 2007,is it not allowed to smoke in public buildings in Australia. The percentage of smokers is in Australia also significantly lower than in Germany. They are less young smokers too.Cigarettes in Australia are more expensive than in Germany and all boxes are placarded with terrifying photos. Among other things, there are tumors, smoking legs, lungs, damaged and dead toes to see. In my opinion, far more effective than slogans such as „Smoking die.“

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  • MrsDrama sagt:

    Since 2007 it is not allowed to smoke in public buildings in Australia.
    The percentage of smokers in Australia is also basicly lower than in Germany. There are less young smokers, too.
    Cigarettes are more expensive in Australia than in Germany and all boxes are placarded with terrifying photos.
    Among other things you can see tumors, smoker’s legs, lungs and dead toes there.
    I think these photos are way more effective than such slogans as „Smoking kills“.

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